Friday, October 20, 2006

MFA Soccer

With a turnout of about twelve, I'm going to call today's MFA soccer match a success. Granted, I'm the worst player in the group, and granted, yes, that Peter's gross finger-dislocation and Cyan's possibly-broken nose did dampened the old European zeal, briefly, and granted that team white-shirt (my team, surprise-surprise) lost by about eight bazillion points, but still! Fun! Running around and kicking, and all that!

But seriously. I was terribly nervous by the time I arrived at World Wide Sports--I'm awful at soccer--but the first person I bumped into was Peter and he did his best to put me at ease. No need to worry, either, because even the people I'd never met before today (which was most of them) were very kind about my obvious physical handicaps. I plan to play again, even though I'm sure a number would rather I not. I like the spirit of everyone bringing white and red shirts and yelling out at random intervals, "does your side need a seventh? Okay, then, just let me change." A come-together, all-in-the-spirit-of-play attitude, that.

I really ought to practice, though. Anything I could do to improve would be a kindness.

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